Course Overview: COSHH Training
If you work or come into contact with hazardous substances, it’s important that you know how to handle them safely. The COSHH training course will help employees understand the risks associated with hazardous substances and how to safely work with them.
This training course will introduce learners to the COSHH regulations and how they ensure employees are limiting their exposure to hazardous substances which can cause sever illness or damage.
This training material will provide learners with the facts about the COSHH legislation and how important it is for businesses to ensure employee safety. Learners will recognise the responsibilities of employees and employers when it comes to COSHH regulations, and learners will also be able to identify harmful substances in the workplace and their effects.
- Who should take this training course?
This COSHH training course is suitable for anyone who works or comes into contact with hazardous substances or materials in the workplace. Those professions which should undertake COSHH training include: Caterers, bakers, farmers, cleaning staff, food manufacturers and builders.
- Certificate
The end of course test consists of 15 multiple choice questions. Learners are required to achieve a 75% pass mark, and, if necessary, may attempt the test three times at no extra cost.
If learners do not achieve the 75% pass mark, further attempts may be given by contacting our support team.
Learners will be able to download a digital certificate on completion. This can be printed, and we suggest you keep it for your records.
How it Works
This is a general guide to how the learning management system works.
This is an online course, all the training will be taken through your browser window. There will be no face-to-face sessions with instructors nor will you receive any training material through the post.
If you wish you may print out any page of the training material and may also print the notes you took during the training. You can also revisit the training material at any time, even after you have completed the course.
The material for this course has been broken down into several smaller lessons, each lesson dealing with a specific area of the overall subject.
The lesson consists of a series of pages in which an instructor will talk you through the lesson material at a pace that suits you. Pages may also include supporting pictures, graphs, animation or extra sounds to help with the learning where appropriate. Some lessons will include challenges/quizzes to help you keep in touch and interested in the material.
Lessons can be taken in any order and each lesson may be PAUSED and RESUMED at any stage. When all lessons in the course have been completed our system will realise and automatically record that you have successfully completed the course.
The course is self-paced so you decide how fast or slow the training goes. You can complete the course in stages revisiting the training at any time, however the training and test usually take between 2 to 3 hours to complete, depending on learning speed.
Learners are required to achieve a 75% pass mark to successfully complete the course. If necessary, the learner may attempt the test 3 times at no extra cost, having revisited the training material. If learners have not achieved the 75% pass mark, further attempts may be given by contacting Learner Support.